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Inequalities mainly result from inequal dispersion of natural resources, financial capital, and thus, local factors. For instance, although the land area itself mainly consists of deserts lots of Arabian countries are highly developed from an industrial viewpoint. This is due to the existence of rich oil and gas resources.

The growing request for electric vehicles and hence electricity in highly developed European countries nowadays offers the opportunity for currently less developed countries to bring their potential for producing renewable energy onto the market. Especially, if they have lots of space that otherwise could be described as ‘unfruitful’.

Desert regions provide an optimal space for producing solar energy since the energy of the sun is the cause for such region to be unfruitful in the first place. Also, any effects on the local wildlife can be assumed as less severely than in temperate zones.

Thus, the 'Green Deserts' project exactly aims for valorisation of these locational advantages which have been disadvantages is former times.