A Picture Is Worth
A Thousand Words

Thumbnail Title Filename Date Posted Size
PNG file icon EC_DG_IntPartnerships__Response_GreenDeserts_ProjectProposal_Page1.png EC_DG_IntPartnerships__Response_GreenDeserts_ProjectProposal_Page1.png 01/12/2024 303.07 KB
PNG file icon EC_DG_IntPartnerships__Response_GreenDeserts_ProjectProposal_Page2.png EC_DG_IntPartnerships__Response_GreenDeserts_ProjectProposal_Page2.png 01/12/2024 115.33 KB
PDF file icon GreenDeserts__BasicConcept.pdf GreenDeserts__BasicConcept.pdf 31/10/2024 1,038.41 KB

To give you a quick overview of the current or most recent situation in the world, the following maps shall picture why and where help is needed urgently or most urgently, respectively: