© 2024 Green Deserts WORLD DEVELOPMENT INDICATORS 2022 Source: https://databank.worldbank.org/ data/download/ WDI_EXCEL.zip n/a Lowest 5th Lower 5th Mid 5th Higher 5th Highest 5th CLEAN FUELS FOR COOKING Min:     0% Max:   100% Span:  100% 5th:    20% Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG :(

This map shall show the percentage of the population with access to clean fuels or clean energy for cooking. Unfortunately, having access to clean sources does not guarantee that all cooking is done in a sustainable manner. For instance, if you think of cooking with electricity, it cannot be guaranteed that all of it comes from wind or solar energy, respectively. Thus, this map might be misleading. Nevertheless, it is good to see that most of the countries have access to renewable energy sources nowadays.