© 2024 Green Deserts FRAGILE STATES INDEX 2023 Source: https://fragilestatesindex.org/ wp-content/uploads/2023/06/ FSI-2023-DOWNLOAD.xlsx n/a Lowest 5th Lower 5th Mid 5th Higher 5th Highest 5th REFUGEES & IDPs Min:    0.5 Max:   10.0 Span:   9.5 5th:    1.9 Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG :(

Internally displaced people (IDP) are forced to leave their homes, but manage to stay somewhere else within their countries. Whereas refugees are forced to leave their homes as well as their countries. What does it feel like to leave everything behind you grew up with, everything you love and know, and to start all over in a place where you might not be able to communicate with other people, to earn money to buy your own food, and where people only like people of their own kind and look?